How (And Why) to Tape Your Fingers for Jiu-Jitsu

For most people, the fingers are an afterthought. But for anyone who’s ever tried jiu-jitsu (or any other martial art), you know that your fingers are essential to many movements on the mat. That’s why it’s important to take care of them! In this article, we’ll explain some benefits of taping your fingers before jiu-jitsu class or competition, as well as how to tape correctly to avoid injury and maximize performance on the mat when necessary.

Taping for Prevention

Taping can help prevent injuries, which is the first step to avoiding pain. For example, if you tape your fingers, you reduce the risk of injury during training by providing more support. Taping your fingers can also prevent swelling and bruising, a common side effect of trauma in this area.

If you get injured, Finger Wrap Tape can help you avoid further damage by supporting damaged tissue until it heals properly. It’s not uncommon for athletes who tape their hands before competing or practicing jiu-jitsu to have fewer injuries after they start regularly taping than before they began taping! Finger tape can be a lifesaver for jiu-jitsu athletes. It’s soft, breathable, and give your hands a better grip—which means you can take on any challenge your opponent throws you without slipping. But how do you know if you need finger tape? And is there anything special about Hampton Adams Finger Tape?

First of all, if your fingers are sore or swollen, that’s a good sign that taping them could be a good idea. If the skin on your fingers has been abraded or torn in training sessions, taping can also be useful. And if you’re having problems with grip strength or movement in general, taping may also help improve those issues.

Second of all: yes! Hampton Adams Finger Tape is specially designed to be thin yet durable and comfortable to wear while also providing strong support where needed most (around the joints). In addition, it’s made from hypoallergenic materials so it won’t irritate sensitive skin—and it comes in several colors so you can customize the look however suits your style best!

Taping for Injury

Taping your fingers is a great way to treat and prevent injuries, but it can also be used to improve your performance on the mat. While taping can help treat injuries by reinforcing weak areas of your hands or fingers and providing support during a match, it can also help prevent injury in the first place by strengthening a muscle group before you begin training. As a result, it will make whatever move you’re practicing less likely to cause pain or damage and help prevent future issues with that area. In addition, taping may help take the stress off soft tissue during practice sessions so that they don’t become damaged even if they’re not being used fully due to an injury.

What if You’re Not Taping Fingers?

Are you not taping your fingers for jiu-jitsu? If so, I am sure you have a good reason. Maybe the last time you tried, it didn’t go well, and now you’re hesitant to try again. It’s understandable—everybody is different, and what works for me might not work for you. However, consider this if your finger tape game is less than stellar (or non-existent). You may take a performance hit by not taping up before training or competition.

Have no fear! You can learn how to tape your fingers in just a few steps.

We know you’ve been there: the feeling of your fingers being too small, the pain of griping a partner’s clothing, or even the frustration of accidentally breaking your finger. When it comes to jiu-jitsu, we all want to be able to use our hands. But sometimes, your fingers are too short or weak, making it hard for you to hold on as tightly as you need to.

Hampton Adams Finger Tape is here to help! Our tape is made with a unique material that lets us customize each roll to fit your finger size perfectly, so no matter what your hand looks like inside, we’ll have something that works for you.

And if you’re worried about it being too tight around your fingers? No worries! The tape is made from an elastic material that stretches easily and won’t cut off circulation when you pull on it—it won’t even come off until YOU decide it’s time for it to come off.

How Does the Tape Work?

Before we get into how to tape your fingers, let’s talk about why you should. In short: taping your fingers helps prevent injuries.

The tape creates a barrier between the skin and the environment. Using non-gloved finger guards prevents the skin from getting chaffed on mats that aren’t well-kept or when you’re doing techniques on abrasive surfaces like concrete floors (which is very common in many gyms). It also prevents injuries due to friction with other people’s sweaty hands during rolls. The tape keeps your fingers from getting cut by sharp edges during training sessions and sparring matches and prevents infection after an injury occurs.

How to Tape Your Fingers for Jiu-Jitsu

Taping your fingers can be a preventative measure or a cure for some finger injuries. It’s important to know what type of tape to use and where the tape should be applied to your hands.

First, choose your taping material. There are many options here: athletic tape, medical tape, traditional electrical/gaffer’s tape—the list goes on! Each has its benefits and drawbacks. For example, the athletic tape may be more durable, but it can rip away from the skin easily when misused; medical tapes are less likely to do this, but they aren’t as sticky in general, so they don’t grip well enough on their own.

After choosing the material, figure out how long you want each finger piece to be taped (this will depend on whether you’re looking for protection or treatment). Generally speaking, though, longer means more coverage! If possible, try out different lengths beforehand so that once it comes time for competition day or practice session, there won’t be any surprises along with any potential discomfort. So again, ensure everything fits correctly before applying anything permanently, so there aren’t any issues later down the line when using these types of materials around sensitive areas.

Finally, make sure that all seams are properly sealed. This will prevent leakage or possible irritation while using the product. Also, suppose there is any exposure to moisture. In that case, you may want to consider sealing these areas up so that they don’t cause any irritation or problems for you down the line with your skin.

Jiu-jitsu is more than just a sport. It’s a lifestyle that can be shared with family, friends, and teammates to help you stay active and healthy. But what happens when you get injured? Hampton Adams bjj finger tape can help. We know how much you love jiu-jitsu, so we’re here to help you live your best life as a jiu-jitsu player or coach. Whether it’s finger injuries or other common ailments, Hampton Adams Finger Tape will help you recover faster so you can get back on the mat!

Hampton Adams Finger Tape is made from cotton and is antimicrobial. It also allows your skin to breathe while providing the support needed to heal quickly.

As you can see, taping your fingers for Jiu-Jitsu isn’t just a trend. It has its benefits and drawbacks, but it’s still worth considering when your fingers feel sore or even injured. In addition, taping is much more common than you might think! So if this article helped you out, make sure to share it with your friends who need some finger support too!

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