Top 5 Front and Back-End JavaScript Frameworks for Web Development in 2022

The days of working with vanilla JavaScript are more or less over!

Pretty much every JavaScript developer out there relies on frameworks or libraries to make coding easier and more efficient. 

Thanks to these frameworks and many other reasons, JavaScript has become one of the most widely used programming languages out there. 

According to a 2022 Stack Overflow developer survey, JavaScript sits at the top of the list of core technologies that are currently being used in web development, specifically front-end development.

Whether you are planning to get into JavaScript development or looking to hire a Java developer, you must know which JavaScript frameworks to use for web development.

Here’s a quick look at our top picks of front and back-end JavaScript frameworks for web development in 2022:

Name of FrameworkReasons for Using
ReactJSOpen source, easy to learn, SEO-friendly, Ideal for building dynamic UI (user interfaces), and large and supportive developer community.
SvelteOpen-source, easy to learn, supports both backend and front-end rendering, ideal for creating fast web apps, and no virtual DOM.
AngularOpen-source, ideal for building SPAs, easier DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation, two-way data binding, and great testing framework
Express.jsFast and minimalistic, open-source and free, allows front-end developers to efficiently write backend code, and speeds up the development process.
MeteorJSOpen source and free, easy to learn, universal JavaScript AKA Isomorphic JavaScript framework, full-Stack Solution, ideal for fast development, and active community.

Top Front and Back-End JavaScript Frameworks for Web Development

JavaScript web development frameworks are essentially libraries of pre-built JavaScript code that make development fast, easy, and efficient. 

There are several great JavaScript frameworks out there. Your choice should ultimately depend on your specific needs, project details, framework features, documentation, learning curve, and the user community.

Here are the most widely used front and back-end JavaScript frameworks for web development in 2022:

  1. ReactJS

ReactJS, also known as React, is the most popular JavaScript framework right now. The large majority of developers consider this as the ideal framework for building interactive and dynamic user interfaces.

Being a front-end JavaScript library, ReactJS is used for client-side development. That means developers use it to build features and functionalities that users see and interact with.

Some of React’s most notable features include:

  • Reusable Components: 

The framework divides a page into multiple components. Each component then becomes part of the user interface and has its own design and logic. That makes them more accessible and easier to reuse.

  • Declarative UI: 

This framework’s HTML-style syntax lets you control the state and flow of your app by deciding how the component should look like. 

  • Virtual DOM: 

Virtual DOM presents data in the structure of a tree. It divides data into various modules that contain a node for every independent UI element that exists in the document. 

This feature ensures that when users reload a page, it only refreshes a single part of it rather than the entire website.

Pros of ReactJSCons of ReactJS
Open sources to learn SEO-friendly deals for building dynamic UI (user interfaces)Large and supportive developer communityDifficult to keep up-to-date scarcity of documentation
  1. Svelte

A recent Stack Overflow survey showed that Svelte is the most loved JavaScript framework. Over 75% of respondents said that Svelte is their go-to JavaScript framework for front-end development. 

Ideal for building static and fast web apps, Svelte helps you turn raw code into interactive and sleek-looking user interfaces. 

Much like ReactJS, Svelte is not simply a framework. It is better described as a “compiler-as-a-framework” that transforms Svelte code into vanilla JavaScript for delivering fast performance.

Some of Svelte’s notable features are:

  • Modular CSS: 

It ensures design consistency across all pages of an application by scoping styles and producing unique class names.

  • Reactivity:

Svelte is great at converting components into DOM (Document Object Model) operations. It reacts to data changes and renders changes as JavaScript code.

  • Less code:

Unlike ReactJS, Svelte requires few lines of code and reduces the time developers have to spend writing code.

Pros of SvelteCons of Svelte
Open-sources to learn supports both backend and front-end renderingIdeal for creating fast web appsNo virtual DOMLack of third-party component debugging issues
  1. Angular

A successor of its original iteration called AngularJS, Angular is yet another highly popular front-end JavaScript framework. It is the number one choice for building refined Single Page Applications or SPAs It is also used as a great testing framework. 

It offers two-way data binding that automatically synchronizes data between the database and the client. 

Many well-known brands and web apps such as Gmail, MS office, PayPal, Samsung, and Forbes use Angular. 

Some of its most notable features include:

  • Two-Way Data Binding:

In Angular, two-way data binding represents the model layer. That means any modifications you make in the model can be seen by the users in the view model automatically. That reduces development time significantly.

  • Dependency injection:

Thanks to this programming paradigm, components, classes, and modules can work interdependently while also reducing the frequency of class changes and maintaining code consistency. 

  • MVC architecture:

MVC architecture separates the app logic from the user interface layer and supports the separation of concerns. That saves significant coding time.

Pros of AngularCons of Angular
Open-source ideal for building SPAsEasier DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation to-way data bindingGreat testing frameworkNot newcomer friendly some performance issues
  1. Express.js

Express.js, also known as Express, is a fast and minimal JavaScript framework used for backend development. Built on Node.js, Express is known for its minimalist design, great speed, and excellent performance.

Express lets you complete complex server-side rendering tasks smoothly. That makes it an ideal choice for building Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and backend web applications. 

Famous platforms and brands such as IBM, PayPal, Twitter, and GoDaddy are among those that have built their websites on Express.

Some of its notable features are:

  • Fast server-side development:

Express.js offers many of the popular features of Node.js. These functions can be used readily anywhere in the program. It removes the need for extensive coding, making development faster. 

  • Routing:

Express comes with a highly advanced routing mechanism that helps in preserving the state of the webpage using its URLs. 

  • Debugging:

Debugging is essential for any successful development. Express makes debugging easier by offering a state-of-the-art mechanism that can pinpoint the exact location of the web app that has bugs.

Pros of Express.jsCons of Express.js
Fast and minimalistic open-source and free allows front-end developers to efficiently write backend code speeds up the development processError messages have no description of some security issues
  1. MeteorJS

Since its release over 10 years ago, Meteor, also known as MeteorJS, has been a top contender as a popular JavaScript framework for web development.

Primarily used in backend development, Meteor is ideal for developers who are interested in business logic and managing databases. 

Meteor is described as Isomorphic JavaScript, which means you can use the same code on both the backend and front ends of the web and mobile apps. If you want to invest in prototyping, or if you want to establish proof-of-concept projects, or create online magazines, forums, and an app that relies on fresh content, Meteor is the ideal choice for you. 

The most noteworthy features of Meteor are:

  • Live reload:

One of Meteor’s prominent features is the integrated live-browser reloading. Whenever you make any changes to the front end, it automatically reloads live web pages. 

  • Development Ecosystem:

It is more than just a JavaScript web development framework. Meteor’s Isomorphic Development Ecosystem lets you build real-time web apps from scratch. It offers all the necessary backend and front-end components.

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  • Custom Package Manager:

Meteor has its own custom Package Manager that contains the necessary NPM functionalities along with additional features. The official repository of packages has more than 2,600 smart packages.

Pros of MeteorJSCons of MeteorJS
Open source and free easy to learn universal JavaScript AKA Isomorphic JavaScript framework full-Stack SolutionIdeal for fast development active communityFewer job opportunities

Wrapping up

A JavaScript framework’s current popularity can tell you a lot about whether it is a good choice for front-end or back-end development. However, popularity is not the only metric you should consider when making a choice. You should always consider your project requirements above all when choosing a JavaScript framework for web development.

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